Remember, remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot....
What really happened in November 1605?
Was there really a Catholic plot to blow up Parliament and kill the king?
Why did it go wrong? Was it badly planned? Were the plotters unlucky?
In the GCSE exam you might get questions like this:
Why did the authorities punish treason so savagely in the Tudor and Stuart periods?
Why was it difficult for the authorities to prevent terrorist attacks?
Some historians think the whole thing was a government set-up: are they right?
We will probably never know for sure but your task is to look carefully and critically at the evidence. You are doing this in class: if you want to go deeper here are some sites to explore. They will help you look closely at the layout of the Palace of Westminster, see what the plotters said after they were arrested and tortured, even think about what would have happened if they succeeded.
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